You seek independence and would like to dominate others.

You are quite sensitive and moody and your action and moves are sometimes unpredictable. On the other hand your urges may develop into a illicit relationship with a member of opposite sex leading to a scandal. You may develop a spiritual personality and practice spiritual healing. However, on the whole you may be a bundle of conflicts. You are a confident person and at times, would like to do something substantial for the miserable and the handicapped. you would like to exercise total control on others, you are likely to inherit from your paternal side, you do not like to be cautioned by others. You have a disciplined mind and like to help others. Your strong health makes you extra passionate. You have tenacity and will power to overcome any crisis.
#Year of 9 numerology full
You are full of compassion for the weak, you love children and animals. You are exceedingly devoted to your friends and will fight for them. You are attracted towards opposite sex and have strong sexual urge. You are firm and you have no room for sick sentiments. You may not be very dedicate or tactful in your expression, but your intentions are good. It is either victory or death with honor for you. You have capability to fight against all odds. You are quite independent in thought and action, you have courage, dash, aggressiveness and resistance power. Both of you have a tendency to say “no” before saying ‘yes. Unfortunately you have less chances of happy marital life than a number 9 man. You may become excellent housewife, devoted and loyal, full of glamour and charm, but you brook no nonsense from your spouse, you expect him to be totally faithful to you. If you are a woman, in general, you are very caring, hospitable and friendly, although you are secretive and selective in your involvement. Although your marriage may give you financial strength and success, you may not have so much marital happiness and misjudged by your wife, friends and partners. If you are man although you are especially devoted to your family and take good care of your parents, you are not likely to express much respect and love for your wife while you are likely to be very kind, jovial and friendly with other women. Most of you rarely get through your life without injury or without undergoing operation from surgeon’s knife.

You are quite prone to accidents from fire and explosions. You rush into places where angels fear to tread. Negatively you can be impatient, impulsive and need to control your temper your greatest dangers arise from foolhardiness in word and actions. Without authority you loose interest and slowly become inactive. Given authority you excel in whatever you do. You are a good organizer and able administrator. You have a great sense of responsibility, and as a hard worker your sincerity and true understanding of the situation guide you. You like to deal with large problems rather than small. Charismatic and creative, you make excellent soldiers and fine leaders of cults, movements and religion. You have a strong sense of purpose, order, discipline, courage and self-confidence. You are constantly active and do not rest until you reach your goal. You are strong with the intense energy that seems to burst at seems.